Downhill Longboarding Tips | Prolongboarders 

 September 25, 2020

By James Mason

Downhill longboarding tips

When you hear or read Downhill Longboarding Tips that's sound like you are going to know some tips about Downhill longboarding, right! But you know, besides knowing some tips you will get some more information about how to downhill longboarding!

What Is A Downhill Longboard?

A longboard, as the name implies, is a type of skateboard except that's it's larger and longer than the typical skateboard. It's usually more stable and more durable and offers more excellent traction.

A downhill longboard is one that's designed to let you go fast while you're riding downhill while providing you with the control you need. There are still different types of downhill longboards, as each one may have a different set of pros and cons.

A particular design may offer greater speed but also less control. A lower ride height provides more excellent stability, but that also increases the chances of wheel bite. You may have a lot of traction, but then the design may not be as forgiving if you make the slightest mistake.

To pick the best longboard for downhill runs, focus on the following factors and features:

A Stiff Longboard Deck

Instability is perhaps the problem that will concern you the most when you're going downhill. Flexible decks can be quite unstable, and this can lead to speed wobbles that can make you lose control when you're going fast.

So you should check the number of layers of maple used for the deck. Having eight plies of maple is more than adequate. Exotic materials like fiberglass can also add a great degree of stability.

Ease of Sliding

Slides are generally about braking, which is obviously important with the speeds you can achieve when going downhill. That's why downhill longboard riders tend to go with drop-deck or drop-through boards that are typically longer.


If you want to go fast, you'll need to pick the reverse-kingpin trucks. These are very stable, and the baseplate angles can go as low as 40 degrees for a loose turning radius. You'll also want to go with top-mount decks if speed is your passion since you get more excellent traction. The design allows for more downward pressure on the wheels to boost the traction.

Concave Deck

The level of concaveness for the deck is a matter of personal preference. But it should be concave because it helps to plant your feet to the deck. You're able to have more control when you go into sharp corners.

Larger, Softer Wheels

Wheels built for speed need lots of traction, so that means greater contact area through a larger size. The wheels are usually taller, and wider for more contact. Softer wheels also get more traction as well. You may also want to look for center-set cores, as these offer more grip as well. You can read my guide on best off road longboard wheels or best longboarding wheels for cruising  if you ever plan to buy one.

How to Do Downhill Longboarding

How to to downhill longboarding

The first thing you need to do is to get yourself the best downhill longboard. That means you have a board that's much easier to control and a lot more forgiving when you make a mistake.

You then need to practice how to stop, since longboarding downhill can lead to a lot of speed. Practice taking your back foot from the board to slide it along the ground to brake yourself to a halt.

Your longboard has to be set up correctly as well. You have to minimize wobbling, and these wobbles tend to start in the back area. This means your back trucks should be tighter for stability, while your front trucks can be a bit looser for greater control. Just don't tighten your back trucks too much, so you're still able to turn easily.

Then you should practice, preferably with gentler slopes first. You need to crouch down on your knees without crouching too low so that you can reduce wobbling. Your legs must be somewhat loose. You should keep your weight over the front trucks to minimize wobbling.

Keep in mind the following facts:

Speeds going downhill can reach 50 or even 70 mph. But the speed can be affected by the slope of the hill, the board, and your own skating ability.

If you're a newbie, you should go with a drop-down longboard. It offers a lower center of gravity because the deck is closer to the ground. You're less likely to topple and wobble due to the stability. We have also reviewed some good skateboard for newbies. Read this and get one for you.

When you improve your skills, you can go with the top-mount design. The top-mount really gives you a fast and exciting ride, which you should be able to handle if you're good enough.

So what do you think about downhill longboarding after reading this downhill longboarding tips article!
Are you going with it! before going with it make sure about riding safety.

You can also read our guide on

About the author

James Mason here. Surfing, skateboarding, and longboarding enthusiast currently living in Rio, Brazil. Started boarding since I was old enough to wear a helmet, except I often didn't. Think that explains a lot :)